Monate: Juni 2013

Blogging. One way of taking science online

The world wide web becomes more and more interesting for academic researchers and their work. But how can the ‘new medium’ (which is by far not so new as most art historians think) be exploited for scientific purposes especially in the humanities? What opportunities exist, what risks have to be thought of and what are the advantages? Prof. Dr. Melissa Terras, director of the UCL Centre for Digital Humanities in London, talked to artefakt about her experiences as a blogger herself, active twitter user and how she uses the Internet for herself and her research.

Kunst ohne Ort

Welche Wege kulturelle Prozesse in einer globalisierten Welt gehen, fragt der 84. Kunsthistorische Studierendenkongress „Entfremdung und Aneignung. Kunst in Bewegung“. Die Organisatoren sprachen mit uns darüber, was Kunst aus Dosenmilch mit der Sprache der globalen Kunstgeschichte zu tun hat und warum die Globalisierung der Kunstwelt noch kein Anlass zum Kulturpessimismus ist.