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Aufgelesen 2014.2

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» The Lost Ancestors of ASCII Art | The Atlantic
ASCII Art gibt es schon länger als ihr glaubt. (via boingboing)

» Remarks by the President on Opportunity for All and Skills for America’s Workers | The White House

But I promise you, folks can make a lot more, potentially, with skilled manufacturing or the trades than they might with an art history degree. Now, nothing wrong with an art history degree — I love art history. (Laughter.) So I don’t want to get a bunch of emails from everybody. (Laughter.) I’m just saying you can make a really good living and have a great career without getting a four-year college education as long as you get the skills and the training that you need. (Applause.)

Barack Obama macht sich Feinde unter den amerikanischen Kunsthistorikern, wie Hubertus Kohle bemerkt. Bei KQED gibts unter dem Titel „Dear President Obama: In Defense of the Art Degree …“ auch noch eine ausführliche Reaktion auf Obamas Rede, in der auch auf die schöne Aktion vom SFMOMA hingewiesen wird, die per Hashtag #ArtDegreesWork Erfolgsstories sammeln.  (via reddit)

» Art at Arm’s Length: A History of the Selfie | Vulture
Beiträge zum „Wort des Jahres 2013“ schießen wie Pilze aus dem Boden. Endlich hat sich Jerry Saltz, nachdem nun auch Katzen #selfies machen (und der Papst, Barack Obama und Van Gogh schon proto-geselfiet hat), zu Wort gemeldet: … das #selfie als Folklore, als Hund aus dem Comic, der nach der Uhrzeit gefragt immer „Now! Now! Now!“ kläfft, als Mini-Ich … Monopol hat eine deutsche Übersetzung des Textes, der ursprünglich im New York Times Magazine erschienen ist. tl;dr? Eine kurze „Theory of the Selfie“ veröffentlichte unlängst hyperallergic. 

» die kunst retten * | perisphere
Oder: die kunstkritik retten * 

» Denver, Seattle museums put artworks on the line in Super Bowl wager | Los Angeles Times
Die Super-Bowl-Museums-Wette hat ja schon Tradition, dieses Jahr ging es um einen Cowboy und einen Adler. (via Walker Art Center)

The stakes are pointedly emblematic. If the Seahawks win, fans in the great Northwest will be able to come out of the rain for a look at Frederic Remington’s 1895 bronze sculpture, „The Broncho Buster,“ which the Denver Art Museum will be compelled to ship west on a three-month loan.
But if Manning should punctuate the greatest season a National Football League quarterback ever had by plucking the Seahawks‘ feathers on Sunday, the Denver Art Museum will bag a trophy bird — an eagle perched beside the sea with outstretched wings depicted in „Sound of Waves,“ a 12-foot-wide drawing on screen panels done in 1901 by Japanese artist Tsuji Kako.

» Entartete Kunst | Victoria and Albert Museum
Das Victoria and Albert Museum hat das einzig bekannte vollständige Verzeichnis Entarteter Kunst digitalisiert und unter einer CC-Lizenz online gestellt. Vorbildlich! (via hyperallergic)

The V&A holds the only known copy of a complete inventory of ‚Entartete Kunst‘ confiscated by the Nazi regime from public institutions in Germany, mostly during 1937 and 1938. The list of more than 16,000 artworks was produced by the Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda (Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda) in 1942 or thereabouts. It seems that the inventory was compiled as a final record, after the sales and disposals of the confiscated art had been completed in the summer of 1941. The inventory’s two typescript volumes provide crucial information about the provenance, exhibition history and fate of each artwork.

» I am not a world improver | London Review of Books
Falls ihr keine Zeit habt Building Seagram zu lesen, dann reicht auch dieser wunderbare Text von Christopher Turner zur Entstehung des Seagram Buildings.

Mies was 68 when he won the Seagram commission and, considering his heavy drinking, it’s a wonder anything got built at all, certainly anything so fine, rigorous and austere. He turned up at his office at 11 o’clock each morning and, at 12.30, broke for a two-Martini lunch. ‘One more Martini and I will be doing Louis Quinze,’ he joked, making baroque gesticulations. At cocktail hour, he drank another four and, if he had a fifth, would skip dinner. He would sometimes visit Lambert’s apartment, where he would talk and listen to jazz with her friends; many of her anecdotes end with Mies, puffing on an omnipresent Havana cigar, drunkenly saluting first light. ‘Martinis or Scotch flowed until Mies would greet the dawn, the blaue Stunde, as he would say.


» Musicless Musicvideos

Mario Wienerroither von der DIGITALOFEN audiobakery entfernt die Musik aus Musikvideos und vertont sie in guter alter Geräuschemacher-Manier. (via Kottke)

» Frida Kahlo animiert

Florent Porta haucht Frida Kahlos „Selbsbildnis mit Dornenhalsband“ leben ein. (via this isn’t happiness)

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